Where is the user manual?
You will find the appropriate user manual for each device in the house. Additionally, you will find further information about lamps, internet, and television.
For detailed information, there are user manuals available in the storage room in many languages and internet links:
. Stove Blixtsnabb Induction Cooktop (Manual EN / DE)
. Range Hood Följande (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT)
. Refrigerator Vinterkall (Manual EN / DE)
. Oven Kulinarisk (Manual EN / DE)
. Microwave Mattradition (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT)
. Dishwasher Hygienisk (Manual EN / DE)
. Coffee Machine SMEG (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT)
. Milk Frother Severin (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT)
. Toaster (Manual DE)
. Hand Blender (Manual DE)
. Hand Mixer (Manual DE)
. Sandwichtoaster (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT)
. Recipe Book Kulinarisk Finsmakare (Manual DE)
. Vacuum Cleaner (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT / NL)
. Hair Dryer Rowenta (Manual EN / DE / FR / IT / NL)
In the most rooms, we have installed Phillips Hue lamps. There are separate switches which may be used to dim the light or change the colour signature if the lamps are switched on. To change the colour press the „I“ button for the four predefined colours. Please leave the switches in the room so that they do not get mixed up. For advanced users, you may use the full spectrum of experiences when using the Hue bridge and the Hue app. The Hue bridge is located close to the internet router.
The stair lights at the main entrance are activated by motion sensors and switch off automatically after some minutes. The respective switch can be found in the porch with which you may operate the outside lamps manually.
There is free WiFi in the house with 150Mbit/sec, the fastest connection which is offered by our providers at the moment. You may connect by QR code. The code is close to the internet router. We are still waiting for a faster connection once glass fiber cables are operational. However, the current speed has never created capacity problems even if the house was fully occupied.
In the meantime, we have installed a TV set where you can watch the standard Austrian TV stations and some foreign stations. In any case, you standard streaming services work very well with the speed of our internet connection. Most of the services are offered across Europe and you may use your home service. If you own a portable beamer, the living room has a sufficiently large white wall for projecting.